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Who do you work with?

I collaborate with soulful, adventurous entrepreneurs and creators who are on a quest to bring a bold, meaningful vision into the world. You are creative, think different, and are energized by unconventional approaches to success.

We may be a fit for each other if you:

  • Are doing something meaningful and intrinsically energizing to you
  • Are open to fresh and sometimes contrarian ideas and approaches to achievement
  • View growth on every level as an essential part of your success
  • Are willing to “pray with your feet” and put the insights you gain in our work into action, even when it’s hard
  • Are looking to grow a meaningful partnership with a coach you want to have in your inner circle; one of your first calls during turbulent times

What kinds of tangible outcomes have clients achieved through their work with you?

  • Deployed the world’s first fleet of remote driverless cars on public roads
  • Provided safe homes and new lives for 1,000+ Afghan refugees
  • Completed a $44M exit with a $15M payday
  • Pre-empted a $16M Series A lead by a16z
  • Started a hit record label and launched a track with Pitbull in less than a year
  • Experienced 300% growth in revenue and profit with greatly enhanced quality of life

*Each of these results came alongside inner breakthroughs in confidence, fulfillment, aliveness, creativity, and relationship breakthroughs with greater harmony, love, and collaboration.

How does your coaching work?

If you feel like you’re behind the 8 ball, stressed out, and experiencing drag in your life and business, you are not alone. Many people come to me because they are overwhelmed and have an intuitive sense that despite all of their hard work, intelligence, and passion, something elusive is holding them back.

You'll discover that challenges emerging in one aspect of your business or life frequently indicate imbalances elsewhere, which might not be immediately apparent. That's why we adopt an all-encompassing perspective, examining the various facets of both your professional and personal life in tandem. In this process, we identify the most impactful area for adjustment, which, when realigned, can unleash reservoirs of untapped potential.

You might be astonished to find how much opens up in every dimension once you’ve resolved a misalignment that had previously seemed benign.

The more you re-align, the more your confidence, magnetism, and leadership strengthen alongside ascending growth stages, rounds of funding, and exits.

Through our work together, you’re likely to experience transformation in four key areas at around the same time…

Internal growth:

  • Make the unconscious conscious
  • Break patterns
  • Rewire beliefs
  • Gain greater confidence, resilience, and courage
  • Feel more alive, creative, and magnetic
  • Connect to deeper meaning and purpose

Relational growth:

  • Build a distinct, engaged, cohesive culture
  • Expand ability to lead and inspire
  • Communicate skillfully, candidly, and consciously
  • Enjoy more connected and fulfilling relationships
  • Contribute more to everyone around you
  • Diminish power struggles and drama

Material growth:

  • Life-changing exits
  • Healthy rounds of funding
  • Thrilling revenue growth
  • Bold, groundbreaking initiatives

Timeline growth:

  • Move from incremental growth—inch by hard-won inch—to an experience of exponential, non-linear growth—quantum leaps forward.
If you’d like to learn more about the nitty gritty of working together, here is a FAQ.